- Point Europa (U.K)
Point Europa is an independent charity and social enterprise, working to improve the opportunities, (learning, culture and employment) in a very isolated rural area of Cornwall. The area suffers from high seasonal unemployment, restricted services and poor public transport. The main village in the area, Millbrook, appears high on the Index of Multiple Deprivation due to the low socio-economic status of many residents and poor opportunities for training or work. Point Europa provides a wide range of services for the community, including youth work and support for migrants.We offer a range of services for older people in our community, including: direct help (shopping, gardening, befriending); volunteering at a local level and internationally, and adult education opportunities, also locally and internationally.All of our staff, Trustees and volunteers are local people, and we are now one of the largest employers in the area, with 12 paid staff. We have very strong roots in this community, and work with a wide range of statutory and larger-scale bodies to provide support: Cornwall Council, local schools (primary and secondary), Family Services, training organisers, and private companies.With regard to this project we will connect with our network of training providers and public and local authority service providers who work with or are libraries and other cultural community organisations and centres.
- Cooperative Sud Concept (France)
"Sud Concept" is a cooperative founded in 2008 and located in Corsica :
Sud Concept is also set in Provence-Alps-Côte d'Azur Region (Marseille).This implementation allows us to have an expertise of the economic context in our region.Sud Concept activities:
• vocational training• engineering, support and evaluation of innovative projects• evaluation of devices and public policies, including social innovation• diagnosis / development consulting• territorial animation
Among Sud Concept departments: International Cooperation Department, Business start up, Orientation / Assessment / Integration
Sud Concept leads research, support actions and training for migrants in partnership with French authorities and offices related to Immigration, Insertion and Employment. Our sociolinguistic workshops aim at increasing job seekers and notably migrants ability to integrate the labour market. These workshops are designed to foster knowledge, to inform on existing public services and facilities, to develop keys and basic skills.
Sud Concept has participated in various international cooperation programs related to this thematic, including Grundtvig Multilateral project called "ATI - Auto Training for Immigrants" and Leonardo da Vinci Partnership project entitled "IBP - The Immigrant's Business Plan”. IBP project was meant to facilitate the tasks of VET counsellors and coaches, trainers, business start-up advisors, practitioners and professionals in the field of integration into the job market of speeding up, professionalising, and making their target groups’ business foundation projects more efficient and successful.
Bibliothèquesd’Ajaccio :
i. Bibliothèque Feschii. Médiathèque des Cannesiii. Médiathèque Saint Jeaniv. Bibliothèque de Mezzaviav. Médiathèque SAMPIEROvi. Médiathèque de la mer – Grand site de LA PARATA
- Västerås stads skolverksamheter, Kvalitets och tjänsteutveckling
THE CITY OF VÄSTERÅS AND ITS DIFFERENT LIBRARY ACTIVITIESVästerås is one of the cities on the lake Mälaren situated 110 kilometers west of Stockholm, Sweden. Its 140 000 inhabitants make Västerås the sixth largest city in Sweden. The city offers education, social services, child care, elderly care, culture (for example libraries) and leisure activities, as well as special support to disadvantaged groups. More than 9000 employees work in these sectors.
The public library consists of the main library, six branch libraries, a mobile library and the website, and has 60 employees. 2 500 people visit the library every day. The library has a large selection of activities with daily lectures, debates, music and meetings with authors. Västerås has also one of the best and most well-known music libraries in the country. A recent survey shows that 38 per cent of the visitors to the public library in 2010 were active users of a non-Swedish language.The city provides pre-schools, lower and upper secondary schools, special schools for children with learning disabilities, apprenticeship, individually structured educational programmes to over 10000 children. More than 3000 teachers work in the cities educational systems. With the exception of the pre-schools, each school unit has some kind of school library according to the Swedish law. The quality varies, some schools have a librarian and some schools have a teacher responsible for the library. The city has received many refugees over the years and approximately 25 per cent of the children are of a foreign origin. To support the schools with many immigrants there is a special support team (IDA), with a librarian who is a specialist in providing materials for non-Swedish students.The public library has previously been involved in a Leonardo partnership and is presently active in a competency development project financed by the EU. More than 45 of the school units are, or have been, involved in Comenius partnership projects, and the IDA unit has been involved in several different EU-projects and was awarded with a price for the best run project in all local authorities in Sweden 2011.
The cities homepage: http://www.vasteras.se
Aboat Swedish libraries: http://www.biblioteksforeningen.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/European-libraries.pdf
National Library Association, select your
language: http://www.biblioteksforeningen.org/
Aboat Swedish National Agency of Education: http://www.skolverket.se/om-skolverket/om-oss/in_english
- STP Consulting (Spain)
Professional Training Solutions is located in Zaragoza, and it offers training and technical support to private companies, pubic bodies, schools, NGOs into innovation in the areas of culture, tourism, sustainable development, financial management and professionalization of non-profit sector.Our main activity is to improve educational, social and cultural standards by intensive co-operation with other EU regions.
Libraries participating (Spain)Zaragoza Public Library has its origins in 1920, when you create a public library in the city. En el año 1923 se instala en la que sería su sede definitiva hasta el año 1990, en parte de uno de los edificios construidos con motivo de In 1923 settles in what would be his final seat until 1990, part of one of the buildings on the occasion of la Exposición Hispano-Francesa the Spanish.It is a state-owned library and whose management depends on the Government of Aragon , and specifically the Service Book and Libraries of the Department of Education, University, Culture and Sport . Zaragoza Public Library opened in the new home of Doctor Street closed in 1990. Since then the center has gradually adapted to the changes required by the evolution and changing librarian social proc
The Old University Library:The library of the Paraninfo (Old University) was going closed from 2006 and, finally, it returns to open his doors turned into room of exhibitions. The University of Saragossa has reported that in this space there will appear the bibliographical historical collection, one of the best of Spain for the quantity and quality of his books: more than 40.000 volumes, 416 manuscriptsthe CUBIT Library:The Library for Young people called Cubit is a service of public library with an important section specialized in young people and incorporation of own services of social networks (Library 2.0). It is a project of the Council of Saragossa.
Szubjektiv Ertekek Alapitvany (Hungary)
Szubjektív Foundation runs various national and international projects, in order to develop certain values in the society. Our projects are related to arts, poverty, diversity and sustainability. Our target groups are mainly groups at risk of social exclusion, as migrants, Roma and youngsters with less opportunities.
The Foundation has been running for years now different projects for disadvantaged groups of the society. Some of our recent projects with similar focus are: 'Roots and Routes' (2009/2010) was a talent-scouting and peer-coaching project for migrants and youngsters with less opportunities; the objective of 'We are here' (2011) was to provide art-based methods for Roma youth; 'Media4us2' (2012) aims the active and visible participation of migrants in the media; Grundtvig Learning Partnership project called 'Urban Soundscapes' (2011-2012) is active in the promotion of cultural and social diversity through the arts and media; we also organize trainings against social exclusion.
Working with disadvantaged groups of the society (especially migrants) and being active in the cultural sector in Budapest, Hungary, we see that intercultural competences in libraries, cultural institutions and in the third sector in general became very important, in order to foster the integration of immigrants in the local society. But librarians and other people working in the cultural environment usually don’t have specific skills to deal with migrants. That’s why it is important for us to participate in the ‘E.L.L.A.’ project.
As a project partner, Szubjektív Foundation will support the project management and take part in the project activities. Furthermore Szubjektív Foundation will contribute with its experiences in social inclusion methods for immigrants and migrants, in particular with Roma communities. We can bring experts of this field to the meetings, for example trainers, librarians and other people working in the cultural environment.
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